Stick Weaving

Dosbarth Miss Powell have had a creative morning, stick weaving! It was a fantastic experience and learners have all created either a caterpillar, or a snake to take home.. Beware!

We would like to express our huge thanks to Sue, (and her assistant Sian) for the resources, the time and the support. Diolch yn fawr iawn.

Caribbean Dancing

The learners had a great morning participating within a dance workshop today from ‘Dance Days’. The older learners experienced Caribbean dancing to support their learning of Windrush. The learners engaged well and had some great moves. Well done everybody!

Sports Ambassadors

Our Sports Ambassadors met with Maggie from Sport Powys to discuss upcoming plans to promote Health and Wellbeing in school.

The Sports Ambassadors would like to ask if there are any individuals in the local community who have a sporting skills to share/talk about in school with learners.

Harvest Festival

Diolch! Thank you!

Thank you to all our parents who joined us this week to celebrate our Harvest Festival. We are very proud of our learners, up on stage for the first time this year…For some, the first time ever!

Huge thank you to all the donations towards the food bank. Upcoming post to detail more about that!